Forward Mid Logo

Image logo.png

forward Mid Logo looks like a knitted fabric top green and the bottom blue is a right pointing arrow with Forward underlined in green and Mid underlined in blue.


Forward Mid Directory 2024

Forward Mid Directory 2024, The links above open the pages selected. we hope that you find it enjoyable and useful. If you think Forward Mid has missed something out of this directory we apologise for this please contact us so we can make sure it is included in the next directory. Please inform Forward Mid in one of these three ways:
email symbol :
Phone Eric Johnstone on Telephone logo : 0131-663-9471.
If you wish you can post the story to Forward Mid send it to:
Eric Johnstone,
Forward Mid,
4-6 White Hart Street,
EH22 1AE.
If you have any trouble opening any newsletter please contact us so we may rectify the fault.

Front page of Directory 2024The Directory is available as an Electronic Version, the size on this version is suitable for Smart phones and tablets Directory 2024, size (6,788kb) The Print version Directory 2024, size (9,549kb) Both open in a new window.

To download Forward Mid Directory 2024 requires an Adobe PDF reader, if you require Adobe reader it can be downloaded for free on this link Icon for adobe reader. If you require pages to be read aloud Forward Mid are pleased to direct Natural readers, Iain the website developer has personally checked the PDF document using World Wide Web Logo : To use Natural readers, open the PDF file, Open natural Soft screen reader, select floating toolbar, select PDF document and press control and A together and select play on Natural Soft, it can also be added to the Google Chrome Browser. Listen

Image 2024.png

The front page of the directory, text in Green a white background, with the stiched Forwad Mid Logo. Midlothian Directory for Disabled People and People with long-term Conditions 2024.

Forward Mid believe safety first, and frown on direct download, as they may contain a virus. To save a copy of the Directory 2024 click to save to your own device click on the download symbol, Download logo. Download (then choose where to save it). Print (must be connected to printer), This PDF is designed with Bookmarks (For jumping to individual sections).



Forward Mid Section logoForeword

Welcome to Forward Mid’s Directory for Disabled People and people with long-term conditions 2024.

This is the 10th edition of the Directory Forward Mid has produced and continues the tradition of being an invaluable guide to Disabled people living in Midlothian, and to public private and third sector organisations who provide services for disabled people and people with long term conditions..

When I say invaluable, I refer to the situation that the Covid pandemic continues to intensify the long-standing inequalities experienced by disabled people, people with long-term conditions and carers. Information on issues that are key to stop this inequality gap widening, continue to be meagre to say the least.

Good quality, accurate and up-to-date information that is truly accessible is essential. Glasgow Disability Alliance, with over 5000 members, surveyed their membership and found that 80% of them were not aware of any local support services they could access, and 41% had difficulties accessing information in formats required.

Good quality, accurate and up-to-date information is what Forward Mid’s Directory delivers. It signposts people to organisations that can give them the support they need whether that is to resolve a specific issue, finding a social activity you might enjoy or a wider goal such as gaining more control of their lives..

The Directory was completed towards the end of 2023 and was accurate at that time. Of course, in these uncertain times we cannot guarantee that the information we have printed will still be relevant in the months ahead. Any changes to entries will be updated on the online version of the Directory..

Forward Mid’s 2024 Directory Is available online in two formats:

Forward Mid share wealth of useful information on issues that affect disabled people; publishing and distributing bi-monthly newsletter and maintain a website and Facebook logo : Facebook page. paper copies can be provided by contacting Eric Johnstone Telephone logo : 0131 663 9471.

Large format is also available by special request.

We believe this directory will enable and support people to identify and connect with services that have the potential to improve their quality of life allowing them to live the kind of life they choose whether that be an ‘ordinarily’ or an extraordinary life. If you agree, please share the details of how they can get copies of this with other people or organisations you think would benefit from having a Forward Mid Directory of their own.

Forward Mid Logo 2018

Keep safe and healthy.
Kindest regards,
Jeff Adamson
Chair, Forward Mid

All Image logos used by kind permission.
Other graphics by Iain Tait.

In order to produce this directory, various organisations were asked to provide information. For the purposes of this directory, this information has often been repeated verbatim.

This directory provides a platform for practical information, organisations are always evolving and changing contact details. Forward Mid accept no responsibility for these changes.

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disability section wheelchair symbolDisability Discrimination Act

UK Government legislation seal The disability discrimination act states that you are disabled if you have: A mental or physical impairment that has an adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

If the disability has badly affected the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities but doesn’t anymore, it will still be counted as having that effect if it is likely to do so again.

If it is a progressive medical condition and it will badly affect your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities in the future, it will be treated as having a bad effect on you now - past disabilities are covered.

What are “normal day-to-day activities”?

At least one of these areas must be badly affected:

  • Mobility,
  • Manual dexterity,
  • Physical co-ordination,
  • Continence,
  • Ability to lift, carry or move everyday objects,
  • Speech, hearing or eyesight,
  • Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand,
  • Understanding of the risk of physical danger.

The Act says that any treatment or correction should not be taken into account, including medical treatment or the use of a prosthesis or other aid.

The things taken into account, are glasses or contact lenses. The indispensable thing is to perceive how a disability affects a person. Remember concentrating on what they can’t achieve or find problematic, rather than what they can achieve. If a person suffers from a hearing disability, being unable to hold a conversation with someone talking naturally in a moderately noisy place constitute a disability. Being unable to hold a conversation in an extremely noisy place like a factory floor would not.

If the disability affects their mobility only being able to walk slowly or with unsteady or jerky movements would constitute a disability. But having difficulty walking without help for about 1.5 kilometres or a mile without having to stop would not.

For more information about the disability discrimination Act 2005

The UK Government information World Wide Web Logo :

The Equality and Human Rights Commission World Wide Web Logo :

Note- I, Iain Tait work with web sites a lot, I find the Equality and Human Rights Commission very confusing and often get lost on this web site.

The Equalities Act 2010

The Equalities Act 2010 makes it illegal to discriminate against a person with a disability. However, you must prove that you have a disability. The Act defines a disabled person as a person with a disability for the purposes of the Act if he or she has a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

To find out what is in out and what is definitely out please download Equality Act 2010 Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability World Wide Web Logo : (727kb pdf)

Discrimination With Work

While attending a job interview an employer is not permitted to ask about your disability and what effects it may have if you are employed. If you require additional absence for medical appointments and have not informed the employer then this is called non-disclosure and you can be dismissed. Reasonable adjustments can be made by an employer. It is your responsibility to tell the employer of any reasonable adjustment you expect them to make to accommodate your needs as some expenses can be met.Associative discrimination is also covered as an employer must make reasonable adjustment if the person employed has a partner or child who is disabled.

An employer who uses the Disability Confident symbol and declares themselves as positive about disability ensures you’ll be guaranteed an interview if you meet the basic conditions for the job. If this does not happen, you should report it to the Disability Employment Adviser at the local Jobcentre Plus office.

An employer is not legally required to meet the commitments of the Disability Confident scheme. However, there may be a legal claim under the Equality Act if an employer treats some disabled people more favourably than others. If the employer operates the guaranteed interview scheme for a particular post, but refuses to give an interview to a particular disabled person, this may be unlawful as direct discrimination.

Access to Services

It is unlawful for service providers to treat you less favourably because of your disability, and they must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for you, such as giving you extra help or changing the way they provide their services. Service providers must consider making changes to physical features of their premises so that there are no physical barriers which prevent you from using their services, or make it unreasonably difficult for you to do so.

Services include going to a restaurant, shopping for clothes or food, using the local library, going to church or visiting a solicitor or doctor. They have to make changes when it’s unreasonably difficult. They should think about whether any inconvenience, effort, discomfort or loss of dignity you experience in using the service would be considered unreasonable by other people, if they had to endure similar difficulties. This includes requesting ramps for wheelchair access.

In most circumstances, service providers must make reasonable adjustments to remove any barriers – physical or otherwise – that could make it difficult or impossible for disabled customers to use their services.

Service providers do not have to make adjustments to make their services more accessible to disabled people if this will lead to a breach of any other legal obligations that apply to them. However, there will be exceptional circumstances that apply only where the other legal obligations are very specific and leave the service provider no choice but to act in a certain way.

Discrimination on the World Wide Web

Examples of website design issues that are affected by this law abound. Many visually impaired visitors use speech synthesizer software to read the text in the HTML code of web pages and translate it into audible speech. However, many websites include images that contain text as part of the pre-rendered picture file. These may be unreadable by the software. If the text is not embedded in the image properties (using an alt tag) or alternatively available in text somewhere on the website, this could render the content inaccessible to visually impaired users. They could therefore be discriminated against under the Equalities Act 2010.

The laws that cover this will allow individuals or groups to take civil action against the web site owner. This is called passive law. You may be liable for costs even if you win.

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Forward Mid Newsletter

disability section wheelchair symbolModels of Disability

There are two models of disability one from medical professionals and one from disabled people.

Medical Model

Medical Model of disabilityUnder the Medical Model, disabled people are defined by their illness or medical condition. They are disempowered: medical diagnoses are used to regulate and control access to social benefits, housing, education, leisure and employment.

The Medical Model promotes the view of a disabled person as dependent and needing to be cured or cared for, and it justifies the way in which disabled people have been systematically excluded from society. The disabled person is the problem, not society. Control resides firmly with professionals; choices for the individual are limited to the options provided and approved by the ‘helping’ expert.

The Medical Model is sometimes known as the ‘individual model’ because it promotes the notion that it is the individual disabled person who must adapt to the way in which society is constructed and organised.

The Medical Model is vigorously rejected by organisations of disabled people, but it still pervades many attitudes towards disabled people.

Social Model

The Social Model has been developed by disabled people in response to the Medical Model and the impact it has had on their lives.

Social Model of DisabilityUnder the Social Model, disability is caused by the society in which we live and is not the ‘fault’ of an individual disabled person, or an inevitable consequence of their limitations. Disability is the product of the physical, organisational and attitudinal barriers present within society, which lead to discrimination. The removal of discrimination requires a change of approach and thinking in the way in which society is organised.

The Social Model takes account of disabled people as part of our economic, environmental and cultural society. The barriers that prevent any individual playing a part in society are the problem, not the individual. Barriers still exist in education, information and communication systems, working environments, health and social support services, transport, housing, public buildings and amenities. The devaluing of disabled people through negative images in the media – films, television and newspapers – also acts as a barrier.

The Social Model has been developed with the aim of removing barriers so that disabled people have the same opportunity as everyone else to determine their own life styles.

A simple example is that of a wheelchair user. He would not be disabled if he lived in an environment without his impairment can use public transport and gain full access to buildings and their facilities in the same way that someone without his impairment would do.

The Social Model of disability has fundamentally changed the way in which disability is regarded and has had a major impact on anti-discriminatory legislation.

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Self-Directed Support

disability section wheelchair symbolSelf-Directed Support

What is Self-Directed Support?

Man reading about Self-Directed SupportSelf-directed Support is about giving a person requiring support more choice and control over the social care support they receive to enable them to live as independently as possible. Some people can manage their support on their own, while others need help either from family or friends, or a support organisation.

Self-Directed Support:-choose how your support is provided.

Anyone who is assessed as being eligible for social care support will be offered a choice in the way they would like to receive their support.

You will be offered 4 choices on how you can receive your social care:

  • Option 1: The making of a direct payment by the local authority to the supported person for the provision of support.
    You take the money, and choose and organise your support.
    You can use the payment to:
    Bullet point buy support from a provider,
    Bullet point or employ your own staff.
    This option gives you the most choice and flexibility, but it does mean taking on more responsibilities. (You can get help with this.)
  • Option 2: You choose the support, and either the council or a support provider arranges it. This means you don’t have to manage the money, but you still actively organise your support.
  • Option 3: You ask the council to arrange the support but you can still be involved in the choice of the provider if you wish to.
  • Option 4: Mix and match options 1, 2 and 3. SDS is about choices: you can arrange support from a support provider and/or you can employ your own staff.

SDS is meant to be used flexibly. You should be able to use it creatively so long as it meets your needs.

Support with Self-Directed Support:

Self-Directed Support Booklet front pageThe person carrying out your assessment will be able to talk you through each option. For More information please contact:

Adults and Social Care
Fairfield House,
8 Lothian Road,
Dalkeith, EH22 3AA.
email symbol :
Telephone logo : 0131-271-3900

Forward Mid’s guide to “ Self-Directed Support ” in Midlothian,
the booklet is available in Midlothian libraries or from Eric Johnstone, MVA 4-6 White Hart Street, Dalkeith, EH22 1AE, or choose and electronic copy below:

Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living

lcil independent Living LogoLothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) can help you in a number of ways, including:-

  • Identify and express your needs and outcomes,
  • Prepare for your assessment,
  • Explore which option is best for you,
  • Liaise with Midlothian Council and other organisations,
  • Recruit and manage personal assistants including processing wages through payroll.

Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living
Norton Park,
57 Albion Road,
Edinburgh, EH7 5QY.
email symbol :
Telephone logo : 0131 475 2350
World Wide Web Logo :

Self-Directed Support Scotland

Self-Directed Support Scotland logoSelf-directed Support Scotland champions local Independent Support organisations which provide quality advice and support on Self-directed Support.

They campaign for true Self-directed Support implementation when it comes to social care delivery throughout Scotland.

For more information please visit
World Wide Web Logo :

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Local information section logoAdvocacy

How Advocay worksIndependent advocacy helps people to have as much influence and control as possible over their lives.

Independent advocacy is about people having the right to a voice: addressing barriers and imbalances of power and ensuring that human rights are recognised, respected, and secured.

Collective Advocacy is about helping groups speak up about issues that concern them.

Advocacy Providers working in Midlothian.

Consultation & Advocacy Promotion Service

An independent advocacy organisation for people who use or have used mental health services. CAPS works with mental health service users as individuals or as members of a group to set their own agenda, and influence decisions which affect their lives.

World Wide Web Logo :
CAPS independent advocacy logoIndividual Advocacy Workers
Telephone logo : 0131 273 5118
Collective Advocacy Workers
email symbol
Telephone logo : 0131 273 5116
CAPS, Old Stables,
Eskmills Park,
Station Road,
Musselburgh, EH21 7PQ

EARS Midlothian

EARS Midlothian Advocacy logo‘EARS Independent Advocacy Service offers advocacy in Midlothian to;

  • Adults who have a physical disability,
  • Adults with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI),
  • Recent stroke survivors,
  • Older People (65+) .

We offer short-term issue based advocacy support. We can support people to speak up or speak up on their behalf.

World Wide Web Logo :
Telephone logo : 0131 478 8866
EARS Independent Advocacy Service (SCIO)
14 Grampian Court
Beveridge Square

Partners in Advocacy

Partners in Advocacy logoThe service that we provide in Midlothian is available to those with a learning disability who are 16 years and older providing one to one issue based advocacy.
Telephone logo : 0131 478 7723/7724
World Wide Web Logo :
Partners in Advocacy
G/1 Links House
15 Links Place
Edinburgh, EH6 7EZ

People First (Scotland)

People First advocacy logoIs an organisation run by and for people with learning difficulties to raise awareness of the campaign for the rights of people with learning difficulties and to support self advocacy groups across Midlothian.
World Wide Web Logo :
email symbol :
Telephone logo : 0131 478 7707
People First
77-79 Easter Road
Edinburgh, EH7 5PW

Who Cares? Scotland

Who Cares? Scotland logoWho Cares? Scotland provides professional, independent advocacy services in most local authority areas in Scotland. We work one on one with a young person to help them have a say in what is happening to them. We strive to provide advocacy that helps young people feel respected, included, listened to and understood. We’re independent to any care services a young person receives.
Telephone logo : 07801 339 986
World Wide Web Logo :
email symbol :
40 Wellington Street,
Glasgow, G2 6HJ

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Local information section logoArtlink

Artlink was established in 1984 to support and promote the involvement of disabled people in the arts. Our aim is to increase opportunities to take part in the arts for those who experience disadvantage or disability in the East of Scotland. We offer practical support so people can get involved and work with venues to increase opportunities to enjoy the arts. Artlink establishes partnerships with artists, venues and organisations to help encourage positive change.

Supports the right to participate in cultural life regardless of disability.

  • Promotes diversity by drawing on lived experiences to inform arts responses which are relevant and enduring.
  • Challenges every day inequalities by encouraging creative thinking to offer positive solutions.
  • Encourages individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds to work together.
  • Learns through open dialogue; challenging our own practice in pursuit of our ideals.

Artlink want to learn more about the potential of art within communities, how it can enhance individual lives, how it helps raise awareness when something isn’t working the way it should or how it can encourage us to look at issues from a different perspective.

A range of Sensory discoveries

 Artlink LogoCONTACT:
Artlink Edinburgh and the Lothians
13a Spittal Street
telephone logo: 0131 229 3555
email symbol :
World Wide Web Logo :

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Beach Wheelchairs

Local information section logoBeach Wheelchairs

Beach Wheelchairs LogoBeach Wheelchairs is a small Scottish charity that has operated since 2015. Since then Beach Wheelchairs have hired out our Free to use specialist wheelchairs over 1000 times. Beach Wheelchairs mission is to get people back on the sand enjoying our beautiful beaches. Beach Wheelchairs have a wide range of wheelchairs and equipment at North Berwick, East Lothian and Portobello, Edinburgh. We also have two wheelchairs at Haven Seton Sands that are available to the public as well as Haven customers to use.

Beach Wheelchairs want people to enjoy the beach with family and friends. The beach is a special place where people can have new experiences, make long lasting memories or be taken back to their childhood just by the sound of the waves and the smell of salt on the air.

Whether you are planning a trip to the beach with someone who has mobility needs or are interested in volunteering with us hopefully Beach Wheelchairs can help. However the weather is outwith our control.

Contact Deatails:
World Wide Web Logo :
Facebook logo :
email symbol :

Prebook free hire
telephone logo : North Berwick - 0300 111 2112
telephone logo : Portobello - 0300 666 0990
telephone logo : Seton Sands - 01875 813333

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Local information section logoBritish Red Cross   +

The British Red Cross in Dalkeith has a wealth of resources to offer people living in Midlothian.

Neighbourhood Links

The Neighbourhood Links Project provides advice, support, information and practical support to Midlothian residents aged 55+ with long term medical conditions.

We can assist for example with:-
+ Benefits - for example attendance allowance,
British Red Cross Logo + Housing applications
+ Blue badge, Dial A Ride applications.
+ Assess for adaptations for your home and make the necessary referrals
+ Provision of internal and external rails,
+ Falls Assessment

Neighbourhood Links Buddy Service – We can provide a buddy for a short term period to assist people with a walking programme after a stroke, help with shopping after coming out of hospital and confidence building. We also link with a number of agencies who can provide a longer term service.

To speak to one of the Neighbourhood Links Coordinators please call the Dalkeith office on telephone logo : 0131 654 0340.

Local Area Coordination (Community Coordinators)

The LAC Project works with people ages 55+ with long term conditions who are socially isolated. The project helps people to stay well connected in Midlothian and to be a part of their local community. We can recommend and organise local activities, introduce and refer into groups, look at local transport options and signpost people to get the relevant information they need within the local community. The project also provides a Community Calendar for activities for older people in Midlothian.

The Community Coordinators also work with groups to help build capacity, provide information on relevant funding, and to ensure that groups are sustainable and accessible within the community.

To get in contact with the Community Coordinators please call the Dalkeith office on telephone logo : 0131 654 0340.

Carers Community Connector Midlothian

Do you provide unpaid help and support to a family member over 55 years of age who is a resident of Midlothian. due to age, a long-term condition, disability, physical, mental health problems, or addiction?

Community Connector aim to...

Provide advice, information, and practical support to unpaid carers in Midlothian. We do this by having a good conversation looking at the issues affecting you in your caring situation and how to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Sinead Campbell Community Connector
telephone logo : 0131 654 0340
telephone logo : 07716093022

Mobility Aids

British Red Cross LogoThe hire service helps people return to their own homes after illness or surgery, enables them to go on holiday or day trips with friends or family and promotes independence. Equipment can be hired initially from 1-20 weeks.

Mobility Aids Dalkeith is currently closed & operating a delivery service each Tuesday & Wednesday:

Equipment provided includes:
+ Commodes

Mobility Aids
British Red Cross,
Unit 52 Mayfield Industrial Estate,
Dalkeith EH22 5TA
Mobility Aids telephone logo : 0131 660 9372 or telephone logo : 0300 456 1914

British Red Cross East and Mid Lothian,
Unit 3 Buckie House,
McSense Business Park,
EH22 5TA
telephone logo : 0131 654 0340
telephone logo : 07738808834

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Local information section logoCitizens Advice Bureau

Dalkeith & District Citizens Advice Bureau,
8 Buccleuch Street, DALKEITH, Midlothian, EH22 1HA.
Tel: Telephone logo : 0131 660 1636.
email symbol :
World Wide Web Logo :

Penicuik & District Citizens Advice Bureau,
14a John Street Penicuik EH26 8AB.
Tel: Telephone logo : 01968 675 259
email symbol :
World Wide Web Logo :

 citizens Advice Bureau LogoHow can we help?

The CAB Service can offer advice and assistance on a variety of issues including:

  • Benefits
  • Form filling
  • Debt
  • Consumer issues
  • Housing
  • Utilities

Both CABx Dalkeith & Penicuik CAB are registered charities, Both receive core funding from Midlothian Council to provide a service primarily for residents of Midlothian.

Dalkeith CAB office offers appointments on Monday - Thursday mornings and afternoons for all issues and on Friday mornings for benefit related enquiries only. You can book an appointment in person or by phoning Reception any morning 10:00 hrs -12:30 hrs or Monday -Thursday afternoons, 13:00 hrs - 15:00 hrs (1.00 pm - 3.00 pm).
(Appointments for benefit related issues only on Friday mornings)

If you have difficulty accessing the main office (which is not wheelchair accessible) we also run the following Outreach clinics:

Dalkeith CAB Outreach Clinics:

Gorebridge HIve, 35 Hunterfield Road, EH23 4BQ: Monday 10.00 hrs -13.00 hrs, No appointment necessary.

St Johns Church 31 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith EH22 1HJ.Monday 10.00 hrs -13.00 hrs. No appointment required.

Newtongrange Development Trust. 72 Main Street, EH22 4LJ. Drop in, first Monday each month, 13:00 hrs -15:30 hrs.

Mayfield Pavilion Mayfield Public Park, EH22 5EE. Weekly drop in, Wednesdays, 10:00 hrs - 15:00 hrs.

Bonnyrigg Rose FC The Pavillion, Polton Avenue Road, EH19 2NU. Weekly drop in, Wednesdays, 10:00 hrs 14:00 hrs.

Gorebridge Library 98 Hunterfield Road, EH23 4TT. Weekly drop in, Thursdays, 10:00 hrs - 1300 hrs. .

VOCAL and Horizons Cafe, available for service users of those projects.

If you live in, or near, Loanhead, you can access drop-in clinics run by Penicuik CAB at:

Loanhead Library: Monday 10:00 hrs -13:00 hrs, no appointment necessary.

Loanhead Library: Tuesday 09:30 hrs -12.30 hrs, no appointment necessary.

Loanhead Miners Welfare: Wednesday 10:00 hrs – 13:00 hrs, no appointment necessary.

Penicuik Hub, Food, Facts, Friends, 42 John Street EH26 8AB Monday: 10:30 hrs - 13:00 drop in

By appointment Only 01968 675 259

Midlothian Community Hospital 70 Eskbank Rd, EH22 3ND Thursday: 13:00 hrs - 15:00 hrs

Loganlea Centre, Eastfield Farm Road Penicuik EH26 8EZ Tuesdays 13:30 hrs 15:00 hrs

Home visits for Physically Disabled

 citizens Advice Bureau LogoWe also offer a home visiting service for people with a physical disability or in cases where it would be difficult to access the main office or outreach clinics. To request a home visit, please phone Reception during the hours noted above.

You can also access phone advice by contacting: Citizens Advice Direct Tel: Telephone logo : 0808 800 9060 or on-line at World Wide Web Logo :

Consumer advice can be obtained from the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline Tel: Telephone logo : 0345 04 05 06.

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Local information section logo Carers

Vocal LogoIf someone provides unpaid care for you or you provide unpaid care to someone else an additional Adult Carer Support Plan will be offered. These can be carried out by Midlothian Council or VOCAL Midlothian.
Telephone logo : 0131 663 6869
email symbol :

This can be an adult or a young carer and both start with a conversation, which is the first step in developing your Adult Carer Support Plan.

Many carers find they can draw on existing supports in the local community, whether that be support from friends and family, local support groups or their local carer centre. Where more support is needed, it may be we can look to do this through social work funding. Each case is assessed individually, we use eligibility criteria to determine what qualifies for social work funding. An up to date copy of our eligibility criteria can be found on our website at World Wide Web Logo :

A young carer is someone who has a caring role and is under the age of 18 years, or is 18+ and still in education. If you feel you have a caring role but you haven’t spoken to a professional, you can ask an adult you trust to ask for a Young Carer Statement for you. Or you can email email symbol : to ask for support. Support for Young Carers

For additional support information World Wide Web Logo :

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Community Pantry

Local information section logoCommunity Pantry

Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. A simple box of food makes a big difference.

When you visit a referral agency they will take some basic details from you to complete the voucher. This will help them to identify the cause of your crisis and offer practical guidance. It also means they are able to prepare suitable emergency food for the right number of people. Community Pantry’s work with a number of different referral agencies, such as Citizens Advice, children’s centres and health visitors. Please find below a list of Community Food Pantry’s available in Midlothian.



Food Train. Eat well age well.
Over 65 year old only
Malnutrition Advice Line is available for older people, their families and carers

World Wide Web Logo :
World Wide Web Logo : Online form
email symbol :
Telephone logo : 0131 447 8151

96 Hunterfield Road
Gorebridge EH23 4TT
A referral is required to access the Community Pantry Part of the Trussell Trust Now operating voucher referral system, vouchers issued by Citizens Advice that will allow you to receive three days of food.

Janice Burns

Telephone logo : 07789 173 276
World wide web logo :
email symbol :
World wide web logo :

Mayfield and Easthouses Community Food Pantry
(Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust)
This service is for people of Mayfield and Easthouses only.
Free membership,
Charge £3.50 per Household per shop.

Warris Sheikh
Telephone logo 0131 663 5317
World wide web logo :
Pantry Opening Hours
Tuesday 10.30hrs - 14.30hrs
Wednesday 13:00hrs-17:00hrs
Thursday 10.30hrs - 14.30hrs.

Food Fact Friends Community Pantry
42 John Street, Penicuik EH26 8AB
The Community Pantry is open to everyone. After you join the Community Pantry cost £1, A shop will then cost £3.50 at which you can take up to 10 items.


World wide web logo :
Telephone logo : 01968 675 417
Telephone logo : 07507697109
email symbol :

Woodburn Pantry
The MARC Building,
10 Woodburn Road,
Dalkeith, EH22 2AT
Free Membership Weekly shop £3.50

Friday 13:30 hrs - 17:30 hrs

Telephone logo : 07384 376156
Facebook logo : Central Dalkeith & Woodburn Pantry

Veterans Only, Lothian Veterans Centre
11 Eskdaill Court Dalkeith EH22 1AG
Must meet qualifying standards

Telephone logo 0131-660-5537
email symbol

Midlothian Food bank logo

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Local information section logoCyrenians

 cyrenians Logo of many choicesFor nearly 50 years, Cyrenians has served those on the edge, working with the homeless and vulnerable to transform their lives by beginning with their story, helping them believe that they can change their lives, and walking with them as they lead their own transformation. The name Cyrenians comes from the biblical story of Simon the Cyrene but Cyrenians was founded as and remains a secular organisation.

Cyrenians Vision is an inclusive society in which everyone has the opportunities to live valued and fulfilled lives. Cyrenians work to make that vision a reality by Cyrenians Mission to support people excluded from family, home, work or community on their life journey.

Cyrenians way of work is built on Cyrenians four core values:

  • Compassion: Cyrenians believe that everyone should have the chance to change, no matter how long that might take.
  • Respect: Cyrenians believe in tolerance, acceptance, valuing diversity and treating each other as equals.
  • Integrity: Cyrenians are committed to the highest quality of work, grounded in honesty, generosity, sincerity and professionalism.
  • Innovation: Cyrenians are willing to take risks, challenge convention and be very creative in Cyrenians search for new ways of working, in particular by taking account of the environmental impact of Cyrenians decisions.

How Cyrenians work

Cyrenians aim to offer consistently excellent service delivery across all locations and activities. Cyrenians also want to provide clarity for purchasers that Cyrenians services are effective, including evidence of the difference made in the lives of the people Cyrenians support. Cyrenians have adopted a way of working that includes, in particular, training in the interpersonal elements of building 1:1 relationships. Cyrenians Key Work can be defined by:

Cyrenians attitude : Cyrenians treat people with the respect of equals (adult to adult). Cyrenians respond to the whole person rather than just the evident problems.

Cyrenians style : Cyrenians work with people, preferring where possible to work ‘at the shoulder’ rather than from the other side of a desk. Cyrenians want to create independence, not dependency.

Cyrenians practice : Cyrenians are flexible, tolerant and understanding. Cyrenians are tenacious in the offer of help and, if Cyrenians can’t help; Cyrenians will guide people to those who can.

Working predominantly in Edinburgh, Lothian's, Falkirk, Borders and Stirling but also with Scotland-wide services, Cyrenians work is organised around four targeted areas of service:

  • Family and People
  • Home and Housing
  • Work and Skills
  • Community and Food

Cyrenians is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), registered charity SC011052


57 Albion Road
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Local information section logo Development Trusts

Bonnyrigg and Sherwood Community Development Trust

Bonnyrigg and Sherwood Community Development Trust LogoSherwood Community Centre, EH19 3HR, Bonnyrigg.
Telephone logo: 0131 663 2555
Facebook logo : BonnyriggTrust/

Dalkeith Development Trust

One Dalkeith Development Trust LogoOne Dalkeith, 21 Eskdaill Court, Dalkeith. EH22 1AG
email symbol :
Telephone logo: 0131 663 9735
World Wide Web Logo
Facebook logo : OneDalkeith/

One Dalkeith is a Community Development Trust, formed and owned by people all over Dalkeith, coming together to regenerate our town.

One Dalkeith is a community organisation that works collaboratively to develop community owned enterprise and facilities in order to regenerate Dalkeith socially, economically and environmentally.

One Dalkeith was itself created via the collaboration of the two local community councils. We hope to work with any individuals and groups looking to develop the kind of local community life that people want to see in Dalkeith.

Gorebridge Development Trust

Gorebridge Development Trust the BeaconoGorebridge Beacon, Hunterfield Road, Gorebridge, EH23 4TT
email symbol :
Telephone logo : 01875 816 320
World Wide Web Logo
Facebook logo : gorebridgecommunitydevelopmenttrust/
Twitter Logo : gorebridgetrust

Café opening hours:
Tuesday- Saturday 09:00 hrs until 14:00 hrs.

Facilitates which can be hired:

  • Conference room
  • Multi-purpose hall
  • Soft Play

Gorebridge Community Development Trust is a community owned and managed independent charity, promoting sustainable regeneration of Gorebridge

The Trust carries out a number of projects to help regenerate the town; one of the main projects we are currently working on is the development of a new community hub in the centre of Gorebridge.

The community hub will serve several community groups, offices for private businesses and have a main hall for community and cultural events.

Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust

Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust LogoMAEDT Community Hub, 12 Bogwood Court, Mayfield, Dalkeith EH22 5DG
Telephone logo : 0131 663 5317
World Wide Web Logo
Facebook logo : MayfieldandEasthousesDevelopmentTrust/
Twitter Logo : MAEDT1

Opening hours:
Mon- thurs 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00

Pavilion Café opening hours:
10:00 hrs until 16:00 hrs.

Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust is a charitable organisation focused organisation creating opportunities and improving facilities to regenerate the community of Mayfield and Easthouses.

Newtongrange Development Trust

Newtongrange Development Trust LogoNDT, 72 Main Street, Newtongrange, EH22 4NE
Telephone logo : 07821631975
World Wide Web Logo
email symbol :
Facebook logo : NewtongrangeDT/
Twitter Logo newtongrangedt

Newtongrange Development Trust want to build on the strong community spirit in Newtongrange to develop inclusive, dynamic and sustainable initiatives to enhance social, economic, environmental and cultural benefits for our growing community

Penicuik Community Development Trust

Penicuik Community Development Trust Logo Pen-Y-Coe Press 7 Bridge Street, PENCIUIK, EH26 8LL
Telephone logo : 01968 673 767
World Wide Web Logo
email symbol :

Opening hours:
Tuesday- Saturday 10:00 hrs until 16:00 hrs.

The Trust marries community activities with the conservation and improvement of significant buildings and places in Penicuik.

Open House and Penicuik Cinema, are helping to re-establish the Cowan Institute as the focus of community life. Pen-y-Coe Press and the Penicuik Museum and Papermaking Heritage Centre are re-invigorating buildings on Bridge Street. The Lost Garden of Penicuik has brought is back to life the old walled garden of the Penicuik House Estate.

Rosewell Development Trust

Rosewell Development Trus the SteadingThe Steading, Carnethie Street, Rosewell EH19 9AA
Telephone logo : 0131 629 9398
email symbol :
Facebook logo : RDTRosewell1
Instagram Logo : RDTRosewell

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 09:00 hrs till 17:00 hrs
Saturday: 09:00 hrs till 15.30 hrs
Sunday: 09:00 hrs till 17:00 hrs

Café opening hours:
Tuesday-Sunday: 09:00 hrs till 16.30 hrs

Facilitates which can be hired:

  • Conference room
  • Arts & Crafts space
  • Multi-purpose hall

Soft Play: open 7 days a week, £3 per child per hour session

Sensory Room: open 7 days a week, £5 per household per hour session

Sensory Garden: open 7 days a week during reception opening hours

We run a variety of groups for adults and children including computer classes, arts and crafts and lunch club. We also have a variety of activities on run by external providers. To stay up to date on what we have on follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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Local information section logoEducation

Communities and Lifelong Learning

Communities and Lifelong Learning is part of the Education Service of Midlothian Council. Communities and Lifelong Learning support young people, adults and families to improve their life chances through the

Communities and Lifelong Learning Logo

development of skills for learning, life and work. Communities and Lifelong Learning also work with communities to develop groups, improve local neighbourhoods, link into Community Councils, neighbourhood plans and other organisations in Midlothian. This consists of universal provision which is open to all and targeted provision which may be delivered to specific groups such as parents/carers, young people not engaging in school, disabilities groups, etc. Communities and Lifelong Learning works with key partners to implement initiatives such as Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, Positive Destinations and Employability.

Work with adults:

Communities and Lifelong Learning deliver a range of employability support options, courses and training including ICT, Care Academy, Work Club, Job Clubs, Construction Skills Certification Scheme Training and Modern Apprenticeships.

Communities and Lifelong Learning offer one to one support and community-based provision in core skills such as literacy, numeracy, IT and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and refugees. On offer lipreading classes for those with acquired hearing loss.

Community-based Adult Learning (CBAL) programmes run throughout Midlothian from first step courses to SQA qualifications. The main aim is to provide a first step back into learning, pathways to further learning or employability provided in locally accessible venues. These courses are offered in a wide range of subjects including childcare and family support, IT, health and wellbeing and employability related courses including job clubs. They are mainly free or low cost with crèche support provided.

Communities and Lifelong Learning also deliver adult learning through Aim High Learning Offer with an annual programme of certificated and non-certificated programmes delivered mainly in Dalkeith Campus, Lasswade Centre, Penicuik and Beeslack High Schools. Communities and Lifelong Learning work closely with Progress Through Learning Midlothian to provide support locally to those who want to move on in their learning, go to college or prepare for university or other accredited studies.

The Focus Team provides one to one support for adults aged 16-64 years who wish to get into work, training or learning but face some barriers such as a disability or heath-related issue. The team can also deliver and develop small groups, and courses to help you build up your skills, gain confidence, complete job applications and CV’s, prepare for interview and job coaching. You can be referred by another agency or do this yourself. Please contact: email symbol : Telephone logo : 0131 271 4535

Work with Young People:

Communities and Lifelong Learning work with young people in a variety of ways. Through Activity Agreements provide one to one tailored support for young people who are not in education, training or employment to enable them to take their next steps. Communities and Lifelong Learning provide learning and employability pathways in a variety of curriculum areas such as music, rural skills, childcare, sport and wellbeing, admin and IT, hair and beauty, retail, etc. These allow young people to build up skills and confidence and access further education, training and employment opportunities.

Communities and Lifelong Learning work in schools to support positive transitions for young people and families through group work, co-ordinating school work experience programmes, supporting young people to achieve positive destinations when they leave school. Communities and Lifelong Learning lead the Developing Midlothian’s Young Workforce Board where Communities and Lifelong Learning work with other Council services and a wide range of partners including employers and Skills Development Scotland to secure positive destinations for young people and address the skills gap.

Communities and Lifelong Learning engage with young people on the streets and in universal and targeted youth clubs and other provision, recognise their achievements through Awards Schemes, develop young people’s voice and influence through youth participation, offer volunteering opportunities.

Work with families

Communities and Lifelong Learning can offer a range of family learning opportunities where parents/carers and children learn together in a variety of subject areas including arts and crafts, languages, Learn with Fred and supporting your child with homework.

Work with Communities

Communities and Lifelong Learning works with communities to develop groups by helping with funding and training opportunities; with constitutions and setting up a board; through connecting with relevant people and organisations and linking into Community Councils and neighbourhood plans.

Telephone logo : 0131 271 4535
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Edinburgh college logo

Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College is one of Scotland’s biggest College with around 26,000 students across 4 campuses in Edinburgh and the Lothians, including our Midlothian Campus, based at Dalkeith.

Offering a wide variety of vibrant vocational and academic courses, Edinburgh College provides flexible learning opportunities to suit all learning needs. Whatever path you choose we offer over 700 courses from access to degree level and continuing professional development to help you achieve your future career ambitions.

Edinburgh College are committed to equality of opportunity and to a culture that respects difference. We recognise that equality of access to education is crucial in unlocking many significant opportunities in life.

Our campuses have a number of accessibility features, including accessible parking spaces, accessible doors, accessible toilets (including some with hoists), quiet rooms and portable hearing loops.

You can browse for courses and apply online at World wide web logo :

If you would like to discuss course options or need help to make your course application, please contact the course information team on Telephone logo : 0131 297 8300 (09:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs) or email symbol :

Edinburgh College Student Services Learning Support

For some students, learning is made more challenging as a result of a specific learning difficulty or a disability that requires specialist support. If you are one of these people, Edinburgh College team of Learning Support staff can offer you extended learning support and confidential guidance.

Difficulties may be associated with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, dyspraxia, sensory impairment, social or emotional difficulties, health problems, mental health problems or mobility difficulties. As well as this, Edinburgh College are able to assist students who qualify for the Disabled Students Allowance with the completion of their application form and advise them on assistive technology. Formal assessments for the DSA are carried out in College.

Also, if you are a care experienced student it’s really important to let Learning Support know, to make sure you get the right help and support.

You can take advantage of many of the services before you come to College so please contact us at any time for details: email symbol :

Student Advice

Edinburgh College have student advisors at each campus who are dedicated to helping you throughout your time at Edinburgh College.

Edinburgh College advisors offer information on:

  • Courses.
  • Student finance and funding.
  • Childcare.
  • Accommodation.

Further information can found on the College website World wide web logo :

Edinburgh College staff vacancies

Edinburgh College welcome applications from all sections of the community including people of all ages, disabilities, gender identities, pregnancy/maternity status, marital/civil partnership status, ethnic backgrounds, religions/beliefs and sexual orientations.

We are proud to be accredited as Disability Confident Committed. Current vacancies at the College are now listed on World wide web logo :

Newbattle Abbey College

Newbattle Abbey college front elevation

Newbattle Abbey College extends a warm and friendly welcome to all individuals, including those with disabilities and additional support requirements. Our college, known for its small and intimate community, is experienced in providing bespoke support, ensuring that each member, be it a student or staff member, is valued as an individual.

As Scotland’s residential adult education college, we offer a unique opportunity for individuals with limited or no qualifications to pursue their studies in a historically rich environment. Specialising in access and progression, the college is the ideal nurturing environment in which to begin your educational journey.

Newbattle Abbey College prides itself on its unwavering commitment to support all learners, regardless of their background. Each student benefits from the guidance of a personal tutor, who offers individualized assistance to propel them towards their future opportunities. Additionally, small tutorial groups are available to provide dedicated support and equip our students with the necessary skills for further studies.

Our highly experienced Support for Learning staff are specialists in working with students who have various additional support needs, including dyslexia, autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions. Their expertise ensures that every student receives the care and attention required to thrive academically and personally.

Moreover, Newbattle Abbey College boasts exceptional facilities suitable for conferences, training events, weddings, and social functions. With ample parking space for up to 100 cars, including designated disabled parking, and lift access within the building, we strive to create an inclusive and accessible environment for all.

Join us at Newbattle Abbey College, where our small, friendly, and welcoming community eagerly awaits the opportunity to assist you on your journey towards unlocking your full potential.

Newbattle Abbey College logoNewbattle Abbey College,
Newbattle Road,
EH22 3LL
Telephone logo : 0131 663 1921
email symbol :
World wide web logo :

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