Disabled Parking
Forward Mid and Midlothian council have worked together to bring places in Midlothian that Blue badge holder can park their car, to see where about in Midlothian you can park, please click on the area in the map to get in depth information on where to park.
Private car parks in Midlothian also have a duty to enforce Disabled Persons Parking Bays, many have not contacted Midlothian Council with their intention of enforcing Disabled Persons Parking Bays.
a Green pin marker represents free council or on street parking
a Blue pin marker represents represents Free Private parking.
Please make sure to read the instructions of any parking restrictions for disabled persons parking badge holders.
Instructions: Hover over a mappin and you will get the information of what is at this location; Click a mappin and you will be presented with a map showing locations of disabled persons parking bays. To return to the map click the return button beneath the information.