Forward Mid Archived Newsletters
Forward Mid newsletters that are archived, Archived newsletters are over five years old, anyone can request a paper copy of these archived newsletters, to request a paper copy please contact Eric Johnstone with the year, Month and issue number. The links below open a portable document file (PDF), in a new tab, newsletter issues are laid out in month of issue and year of issue. we hope that you find them enjoyable. If you have something to say or if you wish for other people to know your story, good or bad. Then please send them to Forward Mid in one of these three ways:
Phone Eric Johnstone on : 0131-663-9471.
If you wish you can post the story to Forward Mid send it to:
Eric Johnstone,
Forward Mid,
4-6 White Hart Street,
EH22 1AE.
If you have any trouble opening any newsletter please contact us so we may rectify the fault.